

The Collection

In terms of chronology, the materials conserved in the Archive range from the thirteenth to the twentieth centuries. They are fully classified in record series and described in catalogs by item. Documentation produced by the Hospital itself throughout its history include the hospitals prior to the founding of Santa Creu and its related institutions.

Classification table

Chronologically, the documentation kept in the Archive covers from the 13th to the 20th century. It is completely classified in documentary series and described in catalogs at the documentary unit level. The documentation generated by the Hospital itself throughout its history includes those from hospitals prior to the foundation of Santa Creu and related institutions, among others.


Historical background of the old Hospital de la Santa Creu

In order to facilitate researchers' research, on May 2, 2006 the Library of Catalonia and the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau Private Foundation signed a collaboration agreement for the development of a single instrument of description for the fund of the old Hospital de la Santa Creu, divided between the two institutions. This agreement has allowed the creation of a joint catalog for all this documentation, which contains almost 28,000 entries and spans from the 11th century to the 1930s.


Digitized historical documentation

In 2014 the Fundació Privada Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau joined the BCN Open Challenge project, an initiative of the Institut de Cultura de Barcelona to describe, digitize and publish online documentation from the city's museums and archives. Currently, the Historical Archive has published five documentary series, which represent more than 3,600 documents and more than 55,000 pages.


Auxiliary library

The auxiliary library of the Historical Archive has numerous works on topics related to the Hospital's fund, such as history, art, architecture or medicine. Its mission is to support Archive researchers by providing complementary sources to research on archival documents.


Collection Lluís Domènech i Montaner

In order to make them accessible to researchers, the Lluís Domènech i Montaner Foundation has deposited in the Historical Archive more than 20 linear meters of books and documents collected by Lluís Domènech Girbau, Maria Manadé and Lourdes Figueras in their research on the figure of the architect